This is the group that attent the International Hanmudo Seminar host by
Dr He-Young Kimm founder of the system in Uden 12, 13 Oct 2019
Dear Han mu do practitioners,
Our under black belt seminar will be held on the 25th of February 2018, during this day you will be trained in the latest forms and techniques which are required for the year 2018. Classes will be thought by the masters Rob Plasman, Hamza Keskin, Harm Verkuijlen and Ad van Workum.
Classes wil run from 10:00 until 16:00.
Because of a special class teached by master Plasmans you are asked to bring your own Jangbhong (long pole)
The seminar will be free of charge for every EHA member. For non-members a small fee of €10 will be charged.
The seminar will be in the dojang of master van Workum and master de Ronde. Mina Krusemanstraat 42, Delft.
Parking space is available.
Teachers and dojang owners, please inform your students.
We hope to see you all on the 25th.
Chief Master Harm Verkuijlen
Chief Master Hamza Keskin
Chief Master Ad van Workum
Master Rob Plasmans
This is the group that attent the International Hanmudo Seminar host by
Dr He-Young Kimm founder of the system in Uden 15, 16 Oct 2016
These gentlemen did their morning session in archery and knife throwing. Good job folks