
Frans van Boxtel
Chief Master, 7th Dan
Chön-ji-kwan Martial Arts Centre Uden,

The Netherlands

A. van Workum
Chief Master, 7th Dan
Hanmudo Stichting Delft
Delft, The Netherlands

Nicholas Emerson

Master   7th Dan


 Norwich, Great Britain

Ernst-Jan Rolloos
Chief Master, 7th Dan
Alliance Corea
Alvier, Switzerland

Nick Windmeijer

Instructor 5th Dan

Chön-ji-kwan Martial Arts Centre Uden,

The Netherland

Hamza Keskin
Chief Master 6th Dan
 The Netherlands

Elke Dekkers

Instructor 2nd Dan

Chön-ji-kwan Martial Arts Centre Uden,

The Netherlands

Bart Slot

Instructor 1st Dan

Chön-ji-kwan Martial Arts Centre Uden,

The Netherlands

Ronnie vd Burgt

Instructor 1st Dan

Chön-ji-kwan Martial Arts Centre Uden,

The Netherlands

Annemeije Melse

Instructor 2nd Dan

Kibon, Baarn
The Netherlands

Alexandra Waser

Instructor 3rd Dan

Aliance Corea
                                 Trimmes, Switserland

The European Hanmudo Association
Rooijsestraat 18 5401 AT Uden, The Netherlands
+31 6 54 38 17 03

Rabo Uden

IBAN NL61 Rabo 0155.25.68.66
K.v.K Nr 17196596 Den Bosch