Frans van Boxtel
Chief Master, 7th Dan
Chön-ji-kwan Martial Arts Centre Uden,
The Netherlands
A. van Workum
Chief Master, 7th Dan
Hanmudo Stichting Delft
Delft, The Netherlands
Nicholas Emerson
Master 7th Dan
Norwich, Great Britain
Ernst-Jan Rolloos
Chief Master, 7th Dan
Alliance Corea
Alvier, Switzerland
Nick Windmeijer
Instructor 5th Dan
Chön-ji-kwan Martial Arts Centre Uden,
The Netherland
Hamza Keskin
Chief Master 6th Dan
The Netherlands
Elke Dekkers
Instructor 2nd Dan
Chön-ji-kwan Martial Arts Centre Uden,
The Netherlands
Bart Slot
Instructor 1st Dan
Chön-ji-kwan Martial Arts Centre Uden,
The Netherlands
Ronnie vd Burgt
Instructor 1st Dan
Chön-ji-kwan Martial Arts Centre Uden,
The Netherlands
Annemeije Melse
Instructor 2nd Dan
Kibon, Baarn
The Netherlands
Alexandra Waser
Instructor 3rd Dan
Aliance Corea
Trimmes, Switserland